Thursday, January 6, 2011

Why Should I When You Will...


Far too long Christians have remained silent.  Far too long have people put off what needed to be done because someone else will do it.  Why should I when Joe next door will.  All the time Joe next door is saying why should I when you will...  The task never gets done.  A new neighbor doesn't get a visit.  A sick person not visited.  A family is left neglected.

I have seen too many families or churches that only look to themselves, no outsiders, you  have to look or act certain way.  Jesus at the well talked not only to a woman He didn't know she was a Samaritan.  If you think back to the cold war with Russia it would be similar to an American Army soldier talking and befriending a Russian soldier.  At that time it was unheard of.  Today we might feel the same about one of us a Christian talking with and befriending a hard core Muslim, it just isn't hear of.

Christ didn't call us to hide or tend to our own.  Christ called us to go forth and make disciples of all nations.  We are not to just minister to fellow Christians, or visit those we think are worth while.  Love your neighbor is not just the guy next door.  Our neighbors are those we bump into at the store or on the streets.  They are those living in slums in our town or the next.  Our neighbors are those living in countries not only in North or South America but all over the world.

Our lives, communities, and countries we live in are a mess because we left it to the next guy to take care of.  All the time the next guy is waiting on you.  Everyone needs to stand up and be heard.  We need to spreed the good news of the gospel to everyone.  We need to tend to the needy and those who are sick.  We need to offer comfort to those in need of it.  

If you walked down the street and saw a house on fire with the family inside would you walk by thinking the next guy will save them?  Let's face it all nonbelievers are in that burning house needing to be saved.  Can we afford to just walk by and let the next guy save them?

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