Friday, September 30, 2011

Storing Up Wealth

A few years back I felt that finally my salary was where I wanted and needed it to be.  Things were looking good.  We were able to pay our debt with some left over.  Then all of a sudden the economy crashed.  Gas prices went to nearly $4.00 per gallon and milk was close to that as well.  Our bills jumped almost doubling.  All of a sudden we were once again in the red.  To make things worse our house devalued by more than thirty thousand.

It goes to show that things of this world can change in an instant.  We are on top of the world living the so called good life.  The next thing we know we are in the gutters barely scrapping by.  The scary thing is we might not even know or understand why it happened.  The good news is that there is a treasure worth more than all the gold in the world available to us.  This treasure will not fade or devalue. 

What is God doing to get your attention?  Have you ignored His calling out?  The Israelites lost sight of God.  Over and over He worked to get their attention.  Do not let the drought reach you.  Seek Him first in all things.  Place God first in all you do.  Seek to store your wealth in Heaven.  Matthew 6:20 (NASB) “0 But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in or steal;”  If we keep our focus on Jesus seeking to do what is righteous we will be storing up hordes of wealth in heaven.  If we ignore Christ we risk losing what little we have in this life as well as forfeiting everything in heaven…

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Climbing Over the Wall...

A drive through a neighborhood or down a country road will reveal fences everywhere.  A few weeks back Aaron and I went on a scout trip to a Civil War battle site.  All around the place you could see walls and fences.  Let’s face it we put walls up to keep people out.  We put up barriers to block others from having access to us.  These barriers can be physical walls or spiritual walls.  One time I saw a cartoon of a kid building a brick wall all around him.  It was taller than he was.  On the other side were other kids.  Some were friends some were bullies.  The wall was built to prevent other from hurting him. 

We build walls around our hearts not allowing anyone in.  For whatever the reason we want to be kept separated from others.  We are better than they are.  They are different so we cannot let them in.  I don’t like them.  The reasons can go on and on but the fact remains we put walls up to keep ourselves separated.

Jesus tore down all walls and barriers.  Through him people are united.  Through Christ all have access to heaven.  No one is kept out.  Ephesians 2:14 “For he himself is our peace, who has made the two groups one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility,”  Jesus loves everyone equally.  Jesus will forgive us our sins no matter what they are.  He does this for any and everyone.  If Jesus can love someone and forgive them who are we to do any different?  We need to remove any barriers we have in order to reach out to the world.  We cannot walls ourselves up ignoring everything around us.  Jesus wants us to go out into all the world making disciples of all nations.  Salvation is for everyone not just a select few.  If we hide behind walls we cannot reach out and share God’s gift to the world.  I know I get comfortable and resist leaving my comfort zone.  I would rather remain safe and sound inside my own walls.  Let us help each other climb over the walls.  After all we are not strangers but brothers and sisters.  Let us go out and meet the rest of the family…

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Do You Need Recharging?

We do not have good cell phone coverage at our house.  In order to boost our signal I purchased a network extender.  This enables us to have coverage in the house.  However, when our internet is down there is no signal.  With no signal the battery in my phone drains very quickly.  In the morning my phone is dead.  In order for it to be used again I must charge the battery.

We are just like the batteries in our phones.  Every once in a while we need recharging.  We must renew ourselves spiritually as well as mentally and physically. Romans 12:2 “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind…” Proverbs 2:1-6 tells us to seek wisdom, insight and understanding. Verse 6 states “For the Lord gives wisdom; from His mouth come knowledge and understanding.”  We receive our renewal, strength, wisdom, knowledge, and discernment from God.  We need to seek Him first in all things.  He will renew us and strengthen us, Isaiah 40:31:

but those who hope in the LORD
will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint.

Don’t be a drained and used up battery.  Get plugged into the Holy Spirit and be recharged.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

I Can't...

How many blessings do we miss out on because we said no to God?  Maybe we don’t feel we can perform the task.  Maybe we think it is too much for us to handle.  It is possible we are too tired and the task is meaningless.  We never know what God has in mind.  One thing we can be sure of is that God uses the least likely.  All through the Bible God has taken the least or smallest and done great things through them.  Moses had a speech problem, Gideon was the least of the weakest tribe, and David was the youngest brother the least in the family.  Each time God used them, and others to accomplish His plans.  Peter saw a miracle when he lowered his nets back into the water.  He was tired after working all night.  I am sure all he wanted to do was go home and sleep.  Instead he lowered his nets and had such a large catch two boats couldn’t float under the weight.  Peter went on to become a great fisher of men, one of Jesus’ closest friends and disciples.
What are you missing out on because you said no?  Maybe you do not feel capable of the task.  Remember God will enable you and equip you to the task He calls you to.  John 14:15-18 (NIV)

“If you love me, keep my commands.  And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever  the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you.  I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.

We are filled with the Holy Spirit.  We are enabled by the power of the Holy Spirit.  In Christ we can do all things.  Through Christ we can accomplish anything.  When I am faced with an overwhelming project I have to break it down.  When I see the big picture I begin to have a sinking feeling of dread.  I cannot possibly do this…  It is when I stop and seek God’s guidance and then break it down that I finally can believe I can do it. 

Earlier this summer I decided to take on a project, writing a book.  I had an outline and an idea.  Then when faced with actually writing I thought there is no way I can do this.  I saw the entire book needing to be written.  It wasn’t until I broke it down chapter and concentrated on each chapter individually that I could even begin.  I now have six out of nine chapter written, well a rough draft.  Several thoughts of why I cannot write this book came to mind.  One of them was who am I to write this book?  Who would want to read what I have written?  There is someone more qualified than I am to write on this topic.  I had to remind myself that God is the one who asked me to write it.  He is the one who has enabled me to write.  It is through the Holy Spirit that I am able to write this book.  I also realized one other thing about writing this book.  If for no other reason it has benefited me.  I may feel inadequate but Jesus isn’t…

Monday, September 26, 2011

Binding God's Word...

In high school I had to take a contemporary biology class.  Like most kids I dreaded the class, it was school after all.  The first thing on the first day of class our teacher put his home phone number on the chalk board.  He introduced himself and opened himself up to anyone needing help at anytime.  His class turned out to be my favorite class that year.  The following year I took another one of his classes.  He did an excellent job in whole class participation.  He did everything he could to get your interest in the material.  Sure some kids never liked the class but most did very well.

We easily remember and learn about things we love and have an interest in.  Somebody who loves English will excel in the subject.  The same goes with a mathematician.  Mathematics comes easily to them.  People who are fanatical about the Bible will know scriptures backwards and forwards.  Understanding the Bible comes easy to them.  

How many parents or Sunday School teachers do everything they can to pique the interest in their kids and students?  We are charged with raising our kids in God’s ways teaching them the scriptures.  We are to instruct them according to God’s laws.  We are to bind them upon our hearts and ‘Impress them on our children.’  Most people have the impression of who they are by the time they are three or four.  Those first years are the most impressionable in your life.  That doesn’t mean we cannot change or learn new things as we grow older.  It is vital for mental healthiness to continuously learn new things, keep the mind active. However, the best time to touch someone’s life and make the biggest impact is the first years of life.  What can we do to pique their interest and get them to want to learn more?  For kids and adults we need to find their interest and passion.  Take that and apply the Bible to it.  Show God in a way that will appeal to them.  Then maybe we can make a difference.  Then maybe we can bind God’s word on our hearts and help those around us to do the same.