Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Are You Teachable?

In churches everywhere you can find that certain group that does not embrace change.  They have certain ways set in their minds and they will not bend or accept anything different.  The sad part about it is how many lives remained lost because of unbending mindsets?  People who are unyielding fail to see someone else’s perspective.  We all know people who have the attitude that their way is the right way and every other way is wrong…

We are encouraged have a teachable spirit.  We need to be willing to accept new ideas and new ways of doing things.  Just because someone does something a little differently doesn’t mean they are wrong.  It is just different.  As the old saying goes there is more than one way to skin a cat…  When Nancy and I finally decided to change churches several years ago I had a hard time with it.  We found lots of good churches but they weren’t the same old church with the same old ways of doing things.  Finally we settled for a large church.  I really liked the sermons and they had great programs for our kids.  The problem was that I didn’t care of the style of worship.  I wanted to hear that old pipe organ playing as we sang hymns.  Instead we got a drummer and a total of three guitars, for most services.  It just didn’t seem like church to me.  Over time I have come to accept the difference in worship style.  Just because it is different doesn’t mean it is wrong.

Remember back in time what we think of as traditional and old fashioned now use to be new.  What we take for granted as being nostalgic was the new trend at some point.  I am sure a lot of people thought it was wrong.  I can just hear some older gentleman telling his wife that this young generation is all messed up.  Can you just hear him complain about those new songs and what about that organ?  God doesn’t want that new pipe organ in His church.  What are kids today thinking…  Sound familiar?  Have you caught yourself saying the same things?  Just remember someday somebody will be saying them all over again with what we think is new and just not right for church…  We need to have a yielding spirit, a teachable spirit…

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Teach Old Dogs New Tricks

Recently I heard a pastor talk about who you are is who you were before age ten.  Typically a person doesn’t change.  If you really look at who you are and what you believe in you really are that child before ten.  It is also believed that a child is pretty well set in personality, temperament, and core beliefs by age three or four.  Those first years are the most impressionable years of your life.  There is truth behind the old saying “you can’t teach an old dog new tricks.”  Well you can but it is really difficult.

Knowing it is really difficult to change doesn’t mean you cannot change.  Paul said it best when he said that he died upon the cross with Christ.  When we accept Christ as our savior we died to our old ways and life.  We become a new person in Christ.  He lives within us.  We become filled with the Holy Spirit.  It is through the Holy Spirit that we can change and leave the old ways behind.  So you could say you are not teaching an old dog new tricks but a new dog, a baby Christian…  Remember it is in those first years that are the most impressionable…

Monday, August 29, 2011

God Delivers

As I read Exodus I started to think about times in my life when I was between the enemy and an impassable expanse.  How many times do we find ourselves like the Israelites were after fleeing Egypt.  The Egyptian army was on one side and the Red Sea on the other.  The Israelites were trapped, n o where to go.  They felt doomed, lost with nowhere to go.  They just knew they were going to die.

God had a different plan though.  He purposely placed the Israelites in a position of total reliance.  The only way for the Israelites would escape was through God’s direct intervention.  As we all know God delivered His people to safety and destroyed the enemy’s army.  I know there are several times in my life when I felt that all was lost.  I saw no way out.  There was nothing I could do to fix things.  Yet each time when I trust in God He has delivered me and my family.  We just have to trust in Him and allow Him the credit, honor, and glory.  God will bring us to a place in life where we have to totally trust in Him.  We have no way out.  When we reach those moments in life do we allow God to be glorified in our deliverance or do we turn away in bitterness and anger?  He will guide, protect, and provide for us.  He always has in the past.  He is never changing so He will continue to do so in the future.  God protected the Israelites.  He provided for them, even when they sinned against Him.  God would not let the freed generation into the Promised Land because of their sin.  However, during their forty years in the desert He was with them and provided for all their needs.  God protected them and delivered them from their enemies time after time.

Well God has done it again.  We are all facing the enemy with nowhere to go.  All is lost and we are doomed to die.  God has done it again.  He has delivered us destroying the enemy.  When all was lost and we were doomed to die God saved us.  He destroyed the enemy once and for all.  God did it in such a way they there is no question who the savior is.  God is honored and glorified.    

Friday, August 26, 2011

Overcoming the Mountain

There can be nothing more intimidating than undertaking a project that you have no knowledge about.  To me it seems that I am looking up at a mountain.  I feel intimidated and lost.  Where to begin and how to get started elude me.  I feel as if I am trying to move the mountain with a spoon.  Someone who doesn’t know the Bible or what it truly means to be a Christian may feel the same.  You see all these changes, do this or don’t do that.  You feel overwhelmed at it all. 

The only thing I can say is one step at a time.  The best news is we are not alone.  The Holy Spirit is with us and in us.  The Holy Spirit intercedes for us and will prompt us when we need it.  Something else to keep in mind is familiarization. When a baby learns to walk they don’t just get up and start walking.  First they build strength in their legs.  They stand and sit over and over again.  They will slowly learn to cruise along something.  They hold on for balance as they practice taking steps.  They will begin to let go and just stand there.  Eventually they take those first steps toward mom or dad.  Before you know it your little baby is a walking and running toddler.  Even knowing Christ for a long time there is still room for growth.  We should always be learning and growing.  Instead of being overwhelmed we just need to learn to take things one step at a time.  God is with us and the Holy Spirit will direct us.  It is important to meditate on God’s word.  The more we read it the better we will understand God’s word.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

God's Grace is Sufficient

We all face hardships.  Each of us has a thorn in our side.  Three times Paul asked God to remove his thorn.  Each time God told him that His grace is sufficient.  No matter what we face or the hardships we endure we can be sure that God’s grace is sufficient.  We can also rest assured that we are filled with the Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit will enlighten us, embolden us, and is the perfect conduit to God. 

The Holy Spirit takes our prayers and petitions directly to God on our behalf.  Think of the Holy Spirit as an interpreter.  Our prayers are taken and conveyed to God filling in the blanks.  We may not know the details of a prayer concern.  The Holy Spirit does and will fill in the blanks so that our prayers are complete and in line with God’s will.  Romans 8:26-27 (NIV):

In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans.  And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God.

So the next time you are not sure what to pray for ask the Holy Spirit to intercede and lift up your prayers to the Father.  The next time you feel that you are too weak or that you cannot under take God’s task ask the Holy Spirit to strengthen you.  Ask the Holy Spirit to enable you.  On my own I cannot succeed.  On my own I cannot write.  Through the Holy Spirit I am able to type the words that need to be shared.  We are not alone and in our weakness God’s grace is sufficient. 

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Don't Let the Worries Win...

In the tough times we currently live in it can be hard not to stress and worry.  A couple of years ago I remember thinking that we finally have reached a point where we will have a little extra.  We can pay bills, buy groceries, and have a little extra.  Soon we would be able to start really saving money.  Then it hit.  The economy crashed and cost of living doubled and tripled.  The only problem was that my salary didn’t match the increase.  Once again we were upside down in our finances. 

Jesus tells us not to worry though.  He says to place our burdens upon him.  We can be assured of two things.  One is that He will always be with us. John 14:18 (NASB) “I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.”  Two He will always provide for our needs.  Luke 12:31 (NIV) “But seek His kingdom, and these things will be given to you as well.”

We can rest assured knowing that God will take care of us in all circumstances.  God will provide for us and tend to our needs.  He does so for the flowers of the field and the birds in the air.  How much more He does for us.  So as the bills pile up and the stress builds stop take a deep breath and relax.  God has a handle on it.  All you have to do is give it to Him.  It is easy to give Him our woes, worries and stress.  It is not so easy not to take it back.  I have found when things are tough praying helps.  When I talk to God I put my focus on Him.  Singing praises can also help you focus on Him.  The important thing to remember is to keep our focus on Christ.  Jesus reached out and pulled Peter out of the water as he was sinking.  He will do the same for you and me.  As we are sinking He will reach out and pulls us out…

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Being Fit...

One of my best moments as a parent is coming home from work.  Little Cora and sometimes Jane and Lois, run up to me crying out Daddy.  They give me a huge hug and get all excited.  My older two use to be that way when they were younger.  As they grew older it faded until now all I get is hi if they see me. 
As I reflect on the scriptures I think that describes us with Jesus.  Someday we will all be face to face with our savior.  As a new Christian young in our faith we get all excited about the prospect.  We eagerly wait for that wonderful day when we will see our savior face to face.  As we mature in our faith the excitement can fade.  We look forward to seeing Him but the enthusiasm when we were toddlers has faded.  If we are not careful our walk with Christ will be drab and boring, much like talking with a teenager.

We need to stay spiritually fit.  In order to do this we must exercise our faith regularly.  Much like we need to exercise our bodies.  It is important to be fit mind, body, and spirit.  Our bodies are holy temples unto the Lord.  1 Corinthians 6:19 (NASB) “Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own?”  Just this morning I had a conversation at the coffee shop about physical fitness.  Knowing I need to work out and doing so is not the same.  I can know I need to work out but if I don’t I will never get into better shape.  If I do not exercise my spirit it cannot grow strong and healthy.  If I do not exercise my mind it will lose its edge and become dull.  As James so aptly puts it we must do more than read the word, we must be doers.  It isn’t enough to buy those sneakers or gym equipment.  We must actually use them.  We must actually stimulate our minds as well. 

Let us keep our spiritual youth and be excited for the day when we see our Lord and Savior face to face…

Monday, August 22, 2011

The awesome news of the day is that you are not alone.  That’s right no matter where you go no matter what you do God is there.  He is with us never leaving us never forsaking us.  What could possibly be better than that?  God loves us so much that He became a man, a normal human being.  He was sinless and offered Himself as the ultimate sacrifice.  Because of this we have eternal life in Heaven with Him.  Because of His sacrifice we are made righteous. 

Let us turn from our wicked ways.  Let us follow the advice in Psalm 4:14-15(NIV):

Do not set foot on the path of the wicked
or walk in the way of evildoers.
Avoid it, do not travel on it;
turn from it and go on your way.

Let us rejoice in the name of the Lord.  Let us rejoice because He has risen.  Let us rejoice because we are never alone…

Friday, August 19, 2011

To Die In Order to Live...

In order for a plant to grow it must first die.  The flower produces the seed which is dead before it can begin its life.  The seed has nutrients already built in so that it can grow to the surface.  It instinctively knows which way it must go in order to receive the life giving light.  There are three things that a seed needs in order to become a healthy plant.  Those three things are sun light, water, and nutrients from the soil.

In order for us to live life we must first die.  We must die to ourselves and of this world.  We must seek the true light of the world.  In order for us to grow spiritually and have healthy spiritual lives we need three things, amazing huh.  We must have God the father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit.  God is the light of the world, our sun.  Jesus is the life giving water, grace given so that we may be righteous.  The Holy Spirit is the nutrients that give us strength and helps us to grow. 

We are told in order to live we must first die, out of death comes life.  If we are not willing to die first then we cannot have life in abundance.  We must remove ourselves at the center of our lives so that there is room for Christ.  He needs to be the center of our lives.  Then we will have full life not only here but eternal life in heaven.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Who is your best friend?  I can say without any doubt or hesitation that Nancy is my best friend in this world.  After that it gets hard to say.  I think we tend to call just about anyone we know our “friend” when in reality they little more than acquaintances.  I can say there are lots of people that I can call a friend.  They are someone I know and talk to relatively easily about small things.  However, there are only a few people that I would call in an emergency or someone that I consider a real close friend. 

Who would you call in the middle of the night in case of an emergency?  Who is a close enough friend that you can share anything with and know you will not be judged or ridiculed?  Who is that person you feel you can lean on no matter what?  The person that will stick with you through thick and thin is that close and personal friend.  Are you that for someone?  Are you as good of a friend to someone as Jonathan was to David?  I know I want to be.  I know I need someone to be there for me. 

Remember Jesus is there for us no matter what.  He is that friend who will stick with you through thick and thin.  He is there for each of us no matter what.  Shouldn’t we emulate His example and be there for someone else?

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Five Loaves Isn't Enough

In today’s Bible Verse Jesus fed the five thousand men.  The disciples just knew there wasn’t enough food and the people needed to leave.  Jesus had a plan in place to feed the crowd.  He involved the disciples in implementing His plan.  When we are faced with a task and just know it cannot be done.  We just can’t do it.  Jesus already has it planned.  He has what is needed already in place for us.  We just have to trust in Him and do as he asks.

Can you imagine the surprise on the disciples faces as the five loaves and two fish kept multiplying?  In the basket they knew how much there was.  Yet each time they put their hands in the basket there was a loaf and a fish to be handed out.  It kept going until all had been fed.  The next time you don’t see how it can be done remember There is always one more loaf or fish to be given out.  Jesus will provide, He already has it planned out.  We just have to be open and willing to do the task He asks us to do.

Monday, August 15, 2011

To Forgive...

Forgiveness is not necessarily the easiest thing to give.  We tend to harbor all the injustice done to us clinging to them as if they were a life line.  On the other hand we want other people to forgive us of all the things we have done wrong.  A few things came to mind this weekend.  I was reflecting on the past.  I thought of all the fights Nancy and I had.  I thought of all the wrongs I have done, and she was the brunt of them.  As I look back it is really amazing that she stuck it out and stayed with me.  Would I have been so dedicated to put up with all the stuff she had to put up with me?

It is easy to know the right things.   You can learn what to do and how to do it.  Knowing how the family is supposed to be and how everything interrelates.  All this is doesn’t benefit you or your family if you cannot put it in practice.  I look back and see all the times I have failed.  I can see all the wrongs and how they stain not only my life but the lives of those I have touched. 

The good news is that God doesn’t remember them.  Once we seek forgiveness and repent of our sins God chooses not to remember them.  I remember an aunt who got mad at my mom for something.  She wouldn’t speak to my mom for over ten years.  How many times do we do hold a grudge?  How many times do we fail to forgive?  Matthew 6: (NIV) “Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.” If we want God’s forgiveness we must also forgive others who have sinned against us.  Besides do you want a loved one to hold a sin against you?  God forgave us of our sins.  Christ died for our sins.  Are we greater than the creator and our savior?  We must follow God’s example and forgive others who have sinned against us.  1 Corinthians 13:4-5: “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.  It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.”

Friday, August 12, 2011

Bearing It Alone?

We have all heard of people having the lightning bolt conversions in life.  Something drastic happens and your life changes forever.  That something opens your eyes to the Lord.  I remember watching a clip on Youtube that showed a man walking down a street.  This poor man got struck by lightning and fell to the ground.  What is amazing is that he got up and started to walk away.  He didn’t get ten steps when he got hit again.  For a second time he hit the ground.  He got up a second time and staggered off.  I do not know what ever happened to him but somebody was trying to get his attention.

I don’t know about you but that just might convince me that I was given a second chance.  Saul was doing everything he could to put an end to the blasphemous people who followed “The Way.”  Well that is of course until he met the King of kings.  Saul who became known as Paul became one of the greatest Biblical leaders.  He had hardships and pains all through his life.  Yet he clung to Christ.  Why would someone endure so much?  Paul knew Jesus was with him. 

Sometimes we get hung up on things of this world.  We find it hard to let go.  We might endure physical or emotional hardships.  Our finances might be a mess.  Some are persecuted, mocked, and tormented.  Despite all this we endure.  Why Hebrews 13:6 “So that we confidently say, ‘The Lord is my helper, I will not be afraid.  What will man do to me?’”  We need to let go of the worldly things cast our eyes to God and make Him first in our lives.  He will never forsake us or leave us.  We will never have to bear our burdens alone.  We are filled with the Holy Spirit which dwells in us.  Jesus is always with us.  As I struggle with finances and other problems in life.  I need to remember not to let the “love of money” be my priority.  Jesus is my priority, I pray that I never forget that or lose sight of Him…

Thursday, August 11, 2011

When We are Weak

 When we are on the spiritual cloud nine it is easy to say no to sin.  We feel the closest to God and invulnerable. Nothing can touch us.  When the chips are down and we are facing hardships and bad times it isn’t so easy.  Any good tactician will exploit the enemy’s weakness.  You find the chink in your enemy’s armor to make it easier to break through.  Satan does the same.  He will wait constantly seeking your weakness.  When he finds you at your weakest he will attack.  It is in these moments we must cling all the harder to God. 

Jesus was tempted by Satan three times when he was at His most vulnerable.  After spending forty days fasting in the desert Satan attacked.  Jesus used the God’s word to defeat him every time.  We have the same ability and strength to withstand Satan’s attacks.  We just have to put on the Armor of God and allow the Holy Spirit to fill us and strengthen us.  Ephesians 6:10-12:

Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.  Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.  For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

God gives us what we need to withstand the enemy.  Even though we are weak He who dwells in us is strong.  We have everything we need to stand firm against the enemy.  All we have to do is utilize the tools that are given us.  We need to be familiar with Scripture and filled with the Holy Spirit then Satan will flee when we stand firm…

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Running Ragged...

Have you ever felt yourself being run ragged?   You just have too much to do and not enough time to get it done in.  Between church, work, taking care of the home, running kids everywhere you just don’t know how you can get anything else in.  Someone asks if you could take on one more task and you groan under the weight of it all.  Jethro, Moses’ father-in-law, saw Moses being worn down.  He couldn’t keep the pace up indefinitely.  How much are you trying to manage?  I know I have reached a limit to how much I can place on my plate.  I see more things to add but there is no more room.  In order to take on any new tasks an old one must be let go.

How well do we prioritize our lives?  Do we place those things of higher value at the top of the list?  How can we decide what to take off the plate?  Jethro advised Moses to delegate the smaller matters to others.  There are things in our lives that we can let go and allow someone else to handle.  The problem is that we tend to think they will do it wrong because it isn’t how we would do it.  Just because laundry is folded slightly different than how you would fold it doesn’t mean it is folded wrong.  It just means it is folded differently.  Just because someone doesn’t perform a task the same way as you do doesn’t mean they are wrong.  It is just not how you would handle it.

So the next time you feel the pressure building let something go.  If it is a task that needs to be done it is OK to allow another person to do it, even if it is done a different way.  Allow God’s peace to wash over you.  Take rest and refuge in Jesus.  Isaiah 40:31 (NIV)

but those who hope in the LORD
will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Green Pastures

How quickly we tend to forget.  Life goes as we plan and expect.  Slowly we seem to forget God.  We lose sight of all the things He has done.  Then one day it happens we are struck with some sort of hardship.  We turn our eyes to God and cry out “Why.”  We wonder how this could happen.  We are puzzled as to how we failed.  When 9/11 happened you could see a difference in people everywhere. All of a sudden people flocked to pray and seek God.  Everyone seemed eager to help.  But slowly over time things slipped back to the usual hum drum.

It is easy to turn to God in hardship when we want something from Him.  Instead we need to keep our eyes on Him at all times.  We not only need God during the difficult times we need Him when times are good as well.  God provides, protects, guides, and blesses His people.  We are shown over and over how God is there.  He tore down the walls of Jericho. Jesus is the Good Shepherd guiding His flock.  He tends to His flock ensuring safe green pastures.  Next time you are walking on a rocky path just remember the green pastures just over the hill.  While you are in a green pasture full of lush grass and cold water remember who it was that brought you there…

Monday, August 8, 2011

Come As You Are...


Who do we tend to hang out with?  It is important to keep the right company that is for sure.  When you watch a group of children it only takes one for the rest to fall out of line. To protect ourselves and to help us grow we need to be with fellow Christians.  We hold each other accountable and give each other encouragement.  However, that isn’t enough.  After all Jesus hung out with sinners and tax collectors.  Jesus spent large amounts of time with the so called wrong crowd.  He was among those who needed Him most.  He was an example for everyone to follow.  He came to redeem the lost.

As Christians it is important to make sure we surround ourselves with the right people.  However, we must also ensure we reach out to those who are lost.  What better way than to be among the lost.  Not every friend we have has to be a Christian.  Not everyone we surround ourselves with must live a life of Christ.  How can we reach out to nonbelievers if we never associate with nonbelievers?  I use to have a pastor who would say “Love the sinner but not the sin.”  In other words we must accept people for who they are despite their sins.  After all didn’t Jesus say that whoever is without sin cast the first stone?  I know I am out.  Also something to keep in mind is that Jesus loves them just as much as He loves you.  Jesus accepts them, and us, as they are.  Look back over your life.  Do you see who you were before accepting Christ?  Do you see the changes the Holy Spirit made in you over the years?  It is only natural that once saved we will over the course of time grow stronger in faith.  Over time our lives will change and we will no longer be the same sinner we once where.  No changes are required to becoming a believer.  We can go to Christ as we are.

Friday, August 5, 2011

God Never Fails

The Bible tells us that all we have to do is ask and it will be given.  In Mark 11:24 (NASB) “Therefore I say to you, all things for which you pray and ask, believe that you have received them, and they will be granted you.”  In Luke 11:9-10 it says, “‘So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.’” It sounds too good to be true.  You mean all I have to do is ask for it and it is mine?  In that case I want to ask to win the lottery, oh not just for myself of course…

We must understand a few things about asking and about our faith.  First we cannot just ask for anything.  God will not grant anything that is evil.  If it will cause you to sin chances are His answer will be no.  If what you are asking for brings you out of His will then He will give a different response.  We need to make sure that we are keeping to His will.  What is His will you ask?  I cannot give specific details for anyone person.  I can say that for all of us His will for us is to spread the gospel, go forth and make disciples of all nations.  His will for us is to love one another as we love ourselves. 

Another thought is when we are asking God for something we must believe, have faith, that He will answer us and give it to us.  This doesn’t mean God is the all mighty genie waiting to fulfill our every desire.  Our prayers to God should not be a wish list.  I want this or that.  God will give us what we ask for as long as we are in the scope of His will.  We just have to have faith and know He has already fulfilled His promise.

We have faith that when we get in our car and turn the key it will start.  We have faith that the battery is charged and gas gets to the pistons and the car cranks up.  We believe the car will start every time we get in it.  However, there is always that one time when it doesn’t crank or just will not start.  We put blind faith in things that will fail us and at the same time question if God is really there.  God will never fail us and He will never leave us.  Next time you hear a car start just remember that God is still there.  Next time the car doesn’t start just know God never fails…

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Faith & Works

There are times in my life when I think for every step in faith forward I end up taking two steps backward.  If you doubt you are growing in faith just look at the spiritual attacks you are up against.  I have found that the stronger my relationship is with Jesus and the stronger my desire to do His will the stronger the enemy will attack.  If you just want to be close to Jesus but do nothing to accomplish the work He has set before you Satan has nothing to worry about.  To work without faith is work in vain. Faith without work is of no threat to the enemy.  James 2:14-17 states:

What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save them?  Suppose a brother or a sister is without clothes and daily food.  If one of you says to them, “Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,” but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it?  In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.

But if we really build on our faith and work the will of God we can move the mountains.  We can change this world.  Satan does not want us to complete these tasks so he will do everything in his power to stop you.  A good friend of mine always reminds me of Psalm 91 when I struggle. Psalm 91:1-3:

Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High
will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.
I will say of the LORD, “He is my refuge and my fortress,
my God, in whom I trust.”
                Surely he will save you
                from the fowler’s snare
                and from the deadly pestilence.

All of us struggle with hardships.  We all go through spiritual warfare.  If we rely on God for strength, protection and support we will weather the storm and be all the stronger.  Faith is like any muscle we have in our bodies.  If your arm is left unused it grows weak and lethargic eventually becoming useless.  If you lift weights and work your arms they will grow and become stronger.  If we work our faith we will suffer attacks from Satan.  However, if we hold course and stay firm in God’s arms we will come through all the stronger.  Just remember that when the chips are down you are not alone.  You have friends who are there for you and most importantly God is with you.  As James says let us all be not just hearers of the Word but doers of the Word…

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Paralyzed by Fear and Shame

The other day Nancy and I went in a book store.  While browsing the books throughout the store two events took place.  I like to browse three sections in the bookstore Religion, Christianity specifically, computer related, and science fiction.  I was looking for a science fiction book when a stranger walked in the isle.  He asked if I read sci-fi and I said some.  He started talking about various books and authors.  Nancy was in the Bible section at the time.  I kept thinking I wanted to end the conversation so I could join her.  Shortly after we started talking Nancy joined us.  It was obvious this man was not a believer.  Here we were given the perfect opportunity to witness and it never crossed my mind.  Nancy prayed for the right opening and what to say.  Her mind was blank.  Looking in hind sight I firmly believe God closed her mind at that time.  I also felt I failed.  Did I fail to witness because of fear or shame.  I told Nancy at least she prayed for the guy.  Looking back at the event though I think that as the Holy Spirit came upon us he had to leave.  Putting pieces together I think Satan was using him to get at us.  When the Holy Spirit came he had to flee.

I can’t keep thinking though that somehow I failed.  There was an opportunity to share Christ and I didn’t.  Was it really a battle of spirits or just me trying to justify not sharing the gospel?  How often do we let an opportunity slip by?  We can come up with all kinds of excuses and justify our actions.  The bottom line is if we do not reach out then who will?  How many people will be lost because of our fears and shame?  How do we overcome our failures?  We need to read the Bible and be in constant prayer.  The disciples went from denying Jesus at the cross to boldly preaching the gospel.  Paul went from persecuting all followers of the way to being a tremendous building block for Christ.  How were they able to overcome?  They were filled with the Holy Spirit.  Acts 2:1-4 (NIV)

When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place.  Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting.  They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them.  All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them.

Next time you are in doubt simply pray for the Holy Spirit to fill you.  Allow God to work through you open your heart to Him and he will enable you and embolden you to do His work…

Monday, August 1, 2011

Held to a Higher Standard

I remember years ago my grandmother had loaned me some money.  I in turn had given some to my brother.  I had made a comment to my grandmother that my brother hadn’t paid me back yet.  I stated I was a little frustrated with him for not paying me back.  She commented that I still owed her money and she never asked for it.  Shouldn’t I do the same with my brother?  Isn’t that what the Bible teaches?  Sometimes I can still taste the rubber from my shoes after having to open mouth and insert feet…

Anyone can loan money or personal items and expect them back.  Anyone can demand repayment.  Jesus teaches us to be merciful.  He teaches us to loan without expecting payment.  After being chastised by my grandmother I the depth of Jesus’s words hit me.  Luke 6:34 “And if you lend to those from whom you expect repayment, what credit is that to you?  Even sinners lend to sinners, expecting to be repaid in full.”  As Christians we are to live at a higher standard than those who belong to the world.  After that day with my grandmother I strove to lend without ever expecting it back.  Instead of a loan it was a gift.  If I got the money back I would be happy.  If I never saw it again I wouldn’t think twice about it.  I gave because it was needed.  Jesus would want me to.  To have it given back would be a gift from Him…  Recently I was reminded of this.  A need was provided even though Nancy and I didn’t have the means to provide we gave.  We counted on one thing and God reminded me that we shouldn’t expect anything at all.  I say this only to share that no matter how much we know and have come as Christians we still make mistakes.  We can still get it wrong even though we know better.  Two things to remember Jesus forgives us all sins, and we are held to a higher standard…