When God blesses do you give Him the credit? Too often it is easier and seems more fulfilling to take the credit. I can say yep I fixed that computer. I knew just what to do and it was a breeze. I am taking credit. Instead I need to refocus and say that God did it. He gave me the insight or wisdom where to look. He guided me to what needed to be done. God fixed it through me. I am passing the credit to Him focusing the attention to God and not on myself. Lately my focus has been to glorify God in everything I do.
Blessings, we all want them. Sometimes it seems we are not receiving His blessings at all. We ask ourselves why. There are several reasons why we may not receive God's blessings. Are we within the scope of His will? Are you sharing your blessings with others? Are you allowing God to be glorified by what He has done?
Are you living your life according to God's will? When we step out on our own and decide it is better our way God will graciously allow us to step away. It is no wonder then that we cannot see God at work in our lives. It is no wonder that we miss out on His blessings. God knows what is best for us. Parents will direct and guide their children. As a parent we see the bigger picture and we know what is good for them. We know that too much candy will cause a stomach ache. Because of this we limit how much candy our kids can eat. We scold our kids when they stand on a chair because they can easily tip the chair and fall. God Knows the big picture and wants to keep us safe and give us those things He knows is best for us.
As God fills us with His blessings are we sharing them or hording them? When you are thirsty and want a drink you grab a cup and fill it. Once filled it cannot be refilled until it is emptied. In order to refill our cup with more we must drink what is in it. As God fills us with His blessings we need to share them with others in order for Him to fill us again. I have often found a blessing by giving. As I fulfill someone else's need I am richly blessed. There is a joy in giving to others. If we withhold from giving or sharing God's blessings we not only deny someone else but we deny ourselves as well.
So the next time we ask for God's blessings we need to make sure we focus on Him and that we are within His will. We need to pass on what He has given. I have often heard it said that you cannot out give God. I have found that to be true. Every time I give I receive more. As my cup empties He is filling it back up even faster...
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