Friday, January 21, 2011

What's In Your Heart?


In his book Change Your Heart, Change Your Life Gary Smalley talks about what is in our hearts is the core of our beliefs.  I had read an email one time where a professor used an empty jar for a demonstration.  He asked his students if it was empty, they all said yes.  He filled it with large rocks.  Asked if it was full.  The class stated it was.  He then poured smaller pebbles into the jar once again filling it.  He once again asked if it was full, and again the answer was yes.  Next he poured sand into the jar once again filling it.  After asking if the jar was full the students answered yes.  With the jar full of sand he finally poured in water filling it to the top.  He then stated now the jar is full.

Our hearts are like this jar.  It gets filled with either things of this world or things of heaven.  If you remove the rocks from the jar space is created.  If you do not replace the empty space with something air will fill in the void.  The jar is never truly empty.  Our hearts are never truly empty.  It will be filled with something.  Gary Smalley states that if you want to change what you believe you must fill your heart with the new beliefs.  Then you can change your life.  

We need to remove the rocks of this world from our hearts.  We then need to fill the empty space with the jewels of heaven.  As we hide God's Word in our hearts our beliefs will change.  Our lives will be transformed.  Then filled with the Holy Spirit we need to go forth showing God's love to the world.  Let us fill our hearts with God's Word and the Holy Spirit so that we can go forth to fill other's hearts as well...

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