Friday, April 29, 2011

Am I Bigger Than God?


In the recent storm we had I was awe struck by the raw power it held.  Lightning flashed so frequently that we had a steady light flashing like a strobe light in our bedroom.  The wind and rain just hammered down around us.  I found it amazing that a tornado swept over a hundred fifty miles across multiple states.  It spanned between one mile and one and one half mile wide.  The devastation it brought was immense.  Man can hardly compare to what nature can do.

How much more is God the creator than his creation?  Genesis 1:1 “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.As God asked Job He asks us who do we think we are to question Him.  Can we answer the questions God asked Job?  Scientists like to believe they can but the truth is we cannot.  We attempt to understand and control weather.  Yet it remains out of our grasp.  We try to understand the mysteries of the universe and explore the reaches of outer space.  Yet we only glimpse a small fraction of what is out there.

Look at the size of a person compared to the size of the earth.  Compare the size of the earth to the size of the sun.  Compare our sun to another star that is two hundred sixty five times larger than our own sun.  It is known as R136a1.  Just imagine that God just spoke and created the expanse of space.  Genesis 1:16 “God made two great lights—the greater light to govern the day and the lesser light to govern the night. He also made the stars. 

We are sinners and to think otherwise is to deny God and say it is all a lie.  Then the bible has no meaning it becomes just another book.  Can you speak the stars and heavens into being?  Can you create by just a word?  God did that and more.  The truth is the bible is the word of God and it is truth. In 1 John we are told that God will forgive us our sins if we confess them; 1 John 1:9 “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.  We are made new in Christ purified and made righteous.  In Christ’s death and resurrection we are given a new birth.  Our relationship with Him is restored.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Voice Of God


It is amazing how quickly we can break someone down and do real damage with just our words.  In 2 Timothy we are told not to have anything to do with foolish and stupid arguments.  I think we tend to forget how easily we can hurt someone with just our words.  I know I have said things I regretted in the heat of an argument.

Instead of taking part of a heated argument we need to focus on God.  God wants us to act in love with mercy and grace.  After all isn't that the model of Christ?  Didn't Jesus show mercy to everyone.  Doesn't Jesus love everyone?  Something that I try to tell myself is that Jesus loves that person just as much as He loves me.  If Jesus loves them then shouldn't I treat them accordingly?  We are told to love our enemies.  Who do we consider an enemy?  Love others as ourselves is also mandated to us as the second greatest command by God.

Most of all we must be attentive to hear God speak to us.  Samuel didn't realize it was God speaking.  He went to Eli three times before it was pointed out that God was speaking.  How often does God speak to us and we do not realize He is speaking?  We need to be still and listen to the words God would speak to us.  We cannot hear God if we are in a heated argument.  We cannot hear God through the noise and distractions all around us.  God will speak but we will not hear.

Think of a radio playing softly in the car.  The kids are yelling and carrying on.  The windows are down and the wind is blowing.  Through all the noise around  you cannot hear the radio.  Through all the noise in life we cannot hear God speaking to us.  We need to still our tongues calm our spirits so that we might hear the voice of God.  Let us remove the distractions around us so that we might focus on God.  After all of this maybe we can find it a bit easier to love our enemies and others as ourselves.  Then maybe we will refrain from foolish and stupid arguments...

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Sticks and Stones...


words spoken can hurt worse than an actual punch.  Unlike getting punched in the gut the pain of spiteful words can last a long time.  Once spoken you can never take back or retrieve the words you speak.  So many times in the bible we are told to watch what we say.  The wise person is quick to listen and slow to speak.  We are told to refrain from gossip.  Gossip can spread like wild fire leaving scars and pain in its wake.  

With just our words we have the power to build, inspire, and uplift someone.  Saying the right words can lift someone's spirits to new heights.  What we bury in our hearts will find its way to our lips.  Luke 6:45 "A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of."  We need to bury God's word into our hearts seeking to be filled with the Holy Spirit.  Then we will find it easy to uplift and encourage instead of break down and destroy.    God tells us over and over to seek him first and to put His laws into our hearts.  One example is Joshua 1:8 "Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it"

Together we can bury deep into our hearts God's word.  Together we can then lift one another up.  Then those around us will see Christ in us.  They will see Christ in our lives, in what we say and do.  For what is in our hearts will be what other people ultimately see.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Journey


When planning for a trip there many things that must be done.  When we go on vacation Nancy creates a check list to ensure we do not forget anything.  Everyone is eager to get to our destination. Sometimes our journey is a smooth one with lots of enjoyable moments.  Nancy and I talk and enjoy each other's company.  The kids will read or play with toys in their laps.  Other times we have it rough.  The kids are bickering and traffic is bad.  By the time we get to where we are going one or both of us are pretty tense and uptight.  Our journey is not pleasant.

Our lives here on earth is a journey to another place.  The journey is what we make of it.  all of us go through good times enjoying the trip.  We also have bad times when we just cannot take it anymore.  Regardless of how we are doing in our journey we must remember our destination.  As Christians we are destined for a better place.  

When I was in the Navy I enjoyed the visits to other countries.  After leaving port and heading back to sea I would think that the United States is still the best country in the world.  Coming home was always best thing.  The cruises would be tough and we would work hard and long hours.  We had good times and bad times.  In the end though we were always glad to get home.

Remember this life is just a journey, a cruise of sorts.  In the end we will return home.  Home is still the best place to be.  We just have to keep focus on the destination.

Monday, April 25, 2011

What it means to be a saint...


When you think about saints what comes to mind?  One thing I think of are all the Catholic Saints.  I ponder what they require to become a saint. It is a long and difficult process that only begins after your death.  There are certain requirements that must be made to even be considered.  There are only ten thousand or so Catholic saints.

What does it really mean to be a so called saint?  In truth if you are follower of Christ you are sanctified. Sanctify means to be set apart for sacred use, consecrate; to make holy, purify; to make productive of holiness or spiritual blessings.  In other words you are set apart by God from the world.  You are made holy and purified.  Because we are one of God's people we need to live our lives accordingly.  No we are not perfect and we will make mistakes along the way.  That still doesn't change the fact that you and I are a part of the body of Christ.  That makes us Sanctified and that makes us saints. 

Paul who was the last to become an Apostle didn't feel that he deserved to be considered one.  Prior to being an Apostle he did all he could to persecute all Christians, or Followers Of The Way.  It is through the grace of God that his life was changed.  In his weakness he became an instrument for Christ helping to change the world we live in today.  Paul doesn't take any credit but gives all the glory to God. 1 Corinthians 15:10 "But by the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace to me was not without effect. No, I worked harder than all of them—yet not I, but the grace of God that was with me.

Let us remember that it is not our own works but the grace of God that enables us to accomplish anything.  I could not write my devotional thoughts and email them if not for the grace given me by Jesus my lord and savior.  All things can be done through Christ.  I, we, can do all things in and through Jesus Christ our Lord and savior…

Friday, April 22, 2011

Life or Death

Matthew 26:47-27:56
Hebrews 2:10-18
Too often people see the God of judgement or wrath.  They cannot see His love or mercy.  I have heard people say how can God understand how I feel or know what I am going through.  People place God high up in the heavens aloof and distant not caring and loving.

The fact is God became man so that we can accept the fact He does understand.  Jesus lived a life here on earth.  He was fully man who felt love, compassion, anger, pain, and abandonment.  Jesus was and is filled with the love of God.  He loves us all.  He felt the love of His disciples and family.  Jesus showed mercy to those around Him.  He felt anger when His father's house was turned into a den of thieves.  He felt abandoned and betrayed by his disciples.  The worst of it all was when God abandoned Him on the cross.  When Jesus took the sin of man onto Himself God had to turn away.  Not only did Jesus fell the agony of being beaten, mocked, and humiliated He bore the pain of dying on the cross.  He was not just hung on the cross but nailed to it.  In His agony He had trouble breathing.  He had to lift himself up putting pressure on his feet with the nail going through it just to take a breath.  He had the agony of the nails piercing his hands or wrists pulling on him when he relieved the pressure off His feet.  No matter how He hung He was in agony.  The worst is He had to endure that agony alone abandoned and betrayed.

Jesus willingly wen through this so that we might be saved.  One man's sin condemned mankind.  One perfect man's sacrifice saved the world.  All we have to do is accept Christ.  We have to believe He died on the cross and defeated death and returned to us alive after three days.  All we have to do is Believe that through Jesus and only Jesus we can be saved. John 3:15 "That everyone who believes may have eternal life in Him."  Through Adam and eve we received death.  Through Christ we receive life...

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Making Mistakes...

2 Samuel 12:1-23

I find that one of the most encouraging men of the Bible is David.  As much as I make a mess of things there is still hope for me.  David was chosen because he was a man of God's own heart. 1 Samuel 13:14 "But now your kingdom will not endure; the lord has sought out a man after His own heart and appointed him ruler of His people, because you have not kept the Lord's command."   David placed God first and foremost in his life.  David saute God in all that he did.  We can also see that time after time David messed up.  Each time God forgave David when he repented.  Sure David had to suffer the consequences for his actions.  Everyone will have to face their consequences.  Each of us can make our own decisions.  When we make a decision there will be a set of consequences as a result.  Not all consequences are bad.  There are times we might not feel the full effect of them either. 

When we drive our cars we can choose how we drive.  We can get angry at traffic all the while ranting and raving, or we can patiently wait it out.  What are the consequences of our choice?  If we rant and rave getting angry as we drive we will build up stress.  Too much stress can cause health problems.  When we do get home we are usually tense and not very pleasant to be around.  A result can be bad health and strained family relations.  Our other choice is to remain calm and not let traffic up set us.  As a result we would not be as stressed reducing health risks.  When we arrive home we will not be upset or tense.  This would allow for a more pleasant evening with the family.  This in turn can lead to building positive family relations.  After all who wants to hang out with a grump who will bite your head off on a whim. 

If David, a man after God's own heart, can struggle and make mistakes so can we.  God forgave David, 1 Samuel 12:13 "Then David said to Nathan, “I have sinned against the LORD.”  Nathan replied, “The LORD has taken away your sin. You are not going to die." So God will forgive us.  Ephesians 2:8 "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith-and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God-."  Christ died on the cross and rose from the grave defeating death once and for all.  It is through Christ that our debt to sin is paid.  Romans 6:23 "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord."

Know you will make a mistake and sin.  Know that we can repent and have our sins washed away and be forgiven...

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

All In One Family...

John 12:1-8
Ephesians 2:11-22

We have all heard the saying blood is thicker than water.  Something I tell my children is that  your friends will come and go throughout your life.  You will always have your family.  When something happens or you find yourself in difficult times you can always count on family.

Something that has bothered me since I was a teenager is the conflicts between denominations.  Are we not all a part of ONE body? Romans 12:4-5 "
For just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, 5 so in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others."  Even though beliefs and traditions may differ between denominations our core and foundation is, and should be, Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior.  With that in mind we need to accept our differences and work toward a common goal, make disciples of all nations.

Let's face it, we may disagree or even argue as siblings do.  In the end though we are all a part of one family.  You can choose your friends but you are given your family.  As one family let us all join together uniting under Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior...

Monday, April 18, 2011

Are We Denied A Blessing?

Psalm 67

Years ago someone told me that when I refuse to allow someone to help me I deny them a blessing.  I had never really thought of it that way.  Its not that I didn't want any help.  I just never really wanted to ask for it.  As a matter of fact today I still struggle with sharing with others problems or concerns I have.  I shared this with a friend who reluctantly asked for some help.  

All of us would prefer to give instead of receive.  But we must keep in mind that God uses us to bless others.  If we do not allow someone to help us or share in God's blessings we deny them their blessings from God. We can find it difficult to give at times.  We also find it much more difficult to receive most of the time.  Next time we struggle we need to remember to share with others.  A burden shared is a lighter burden than when dealt with alone.  By sharing our troubles or cares with someone God just might use that person to bless you.  Then they too can receive a blessing.  As our blessing cups are emptied God will refill them.  They will never truly go dry but will always be filled to the top.  All we have to do is put our faith and trust in God.  Seek His will and allow Him to work in and through us. 

Psalm 67:1 "May God be gracious to us and bless us and make His face shine on us--"

Friday, April 15, 2011

God's Peace

Psalm 105:1-8
Isaiah 26:1-9

Keeping your focus on God can be difficult at times.  Just this morning I find myself being interrupted or distracted enough to keep my thoughts away from God and writing down my thoughts.  Satan would like nothing better than to keep us distracted enough to prevent us from close to God.  If we are too distracted we will not be effective for God.  Our lives will be in turmoil and we will face troubles that seem to over whelm us.

Isiah 26:7 tells us "The path of the righteous is level; you , the Upright One, make the way of the righteous smooth."  Isaiah 26:3 "You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust you."  If we keep our focus on God and walk the path of righteousness we will still face trails and tribulations in life.  The difference is that by keeping our focus on God we will not face them alone.  We will find peace through Christ.  

When Nancy and I decided to let Megan go to Belize with the puppet team we put our focus on God.  We said that Megan is a gift from God.  She is ours only temporarily.  We put her completely in God's hands.  We prayed for her safe return.  We also accepted the fact that God could call her home.  If He chose to we were at peace.  This peace came from knowing Christ and that Megan would be with Him.  We give thanks and praise to God for her safe return that God allowed us to keep her for a while longer.

May God be with us, guiding our steps.  May we find His perfect peace in all things...

Monday, April 11, 2011

The Path Is Open

1 Samuel 17:32-37
1 Corinthians 15:12-19

If Christ is just another prophet or person then all we do as Christians is in vain. We are nothing more than hypocrites and liars. We have no hope and no where to go. I have a friend who doesn't believe in God. He simply believes after life there is nothing. There is no heaven or hell. We simply cease to exist. If this is the case then what is the purpose of life. Why even be here in the first place. We would then not make a difference and all is in vain.

I am so glad that Christ is alive and salvation is for certain. We have hope and a place to go after this life. One thing is certain you go somewhere after this life. Just because we die doesn't mean life ends. Life is like driving down the road. At the end of the road is a T intersection. At the intersection we go either left or right. After life we go to either Heaven or Hell. The choice is made before you reach the intersection.

Christ has risen and through Him we have salvation. Through Jesus we the path is open into heaven.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Clear As Mud

Something my mom always said growing up is “clear as mud.”  I can still hear her words when asking if we understood something.  Now after explaining something to someone I will say “clear as mud right.”  There are times when trying to figure out or understand the Bible we walk away in a fog.  It is to us clear as muddy water.
In Mark 9:32 the disciples didn’t understand what Jesus was telling them.  It was as if they couldn’t comprehend the truth.  It just wouldn’t sink in.  They had it in their minds one outcome and what Jesus told them didn’t fit.  How often do we do the same thing?  When our plans do not match God’s we tend to turn a blind eye.  We cannot comprehend God’s plan.

After we do mess up and realize it we often say “Hind sight is twenty-twenty.”  It is easy to look back and see what should have been.  We can also look back and see God’s plan unfold and know His way was better.  So the next time we face something and it is clear as mud let us remember God is in Control and to him it is as clear as a glass of pure water…

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Walking With God

Even before Nancy and I were married I remember having conversations about discipline.  We were discussing how we would discipline our children.  I remember telling her that I believed in spanking.  As I grew up there were several times I wouldn’t do something I knew was wrong.  I knew if I got caught I would be on the receiving end of my dad’s belt.  I also knew I didn’t want to be on the receiving end of his belt.  So my conclusion was not to do the task I knew was wrong.  Of course this didn’t stop me all the time just most of it.

How much are we like that?  God will discipline us when we need it.  He will guide and correct us to help us stay on the right track.  There are times when we know it is a sin so we avoid the task.  Other times we might think no one will know so I can get away with it.  Unlike our earthly parents God does know everything we say and do.  We can lie to others and we can even lie to ourselves.  No matter what we say or try to hide God knows the truth.

Discipline, if we allow it, can help us grow.  In Proverbs 2 we are told to seek insight and wisdom in God.  In seeking God’s wisdom and insight we will learn more about God.  Our respect, or fear, for God will grow.  Then our lives will be upon protected paths.  We will be in God’s presence and He will protect and guide us.  We will live in the land that He has set aside for us.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Going The Right Way...

I remember when I was sixteen I took a motorcycle safety course.  It wasn’t that I didn’t know how to ride.  I was a decent rider.  However, the course gave better knowledge and understanding in riding a motorcycle on the streets.  The course helped me to grow as a rider, be more responsible and safer.

Our scriptures today cover two areas.  One is growing spiritually and the other being instructed by God.  The two really go hand in hand.  If we are not learning more about God how can we grow closer?  Psalm 25:12 “Who is the man who fears the Lord?  He will instruct him in the way he should choose.” 

A toddler will follow a parent’s lead.  They will hold mom or dad’s hand and walk with them.  As the child grows they will start to walk on their own and in their own direction.  As we grow let us not walk far from God but stay close.  We need to continue to learn and grow.  As we do so we will continue to walk the right path.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Are We Fools Yet?

Nobody wants to be considered stupid.  We like to think of ourselves as pretty smart or wise.  The Bible even talks about wisdom   In the NIV translation of the Bible wisdom is used over two hundred twenty times.  So why is it that most of the time I feel like the fool.  It seems that I make all the wrong decisions at all the wrong times. 

I will pray over things and think about them and what seems to me ends up being a foolish decision.  If I only did…  Do you ever hear yourself thinking or saying that?  I know I have.  The best thing ever is that God is with us.  He will never leave or abandon us.  Psalm 73:23 “Yet I am always with you,  you hold me by my right hand.

We are told to fear the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.  Proverbs 1:7 “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction.    God gives us wisdom and knowledge.  We just need to make sure we keep our focus on Him.  As long as we turn to God for guidance He will give us what we need to make the right decisions.  As long as we keep our minds and hearts open to Him we can still gain wisdom even through our failures.  God will let us fall just enough to teach us.  Think of a child.  When they learn to ride their bikes at some point dad will let go of the bike.  When teaching my kids to ride a bike I would hold the bike just enough to keep them up.  After a bit I would let them balance themselves.  Sometimes the bike would tip and fall.  My hand would be on the bike to help ease it down.  They still fell but not as hard if I weren’t holding the bike at all.  Eventually they learned to ride without me holding on to them at all.

The good news is that God is holding on.  Sometimes He holds us just enough so that when we do fall we are not badly hurt.  Other times He holds on to keep us from falling.  He will never truly let go.  

Monday, April 4, 2011

Is It Really Free?

Psalm 103:19-22
2 Timothy 2:1-7

The age old question of salvation is one of the easiest to answer.  So why is it that we struggle with something so simple?  We tend to put a value to everything.  The better it is, the higher the quality the more expensive it must be.  Something that sells for less must not be as good.  Because of this mindset I think people have a hard time believing salvation comes so easily and cheap.  Well to tell the truth it wasn’t easy and it isn’t cheap.  Salvation comes to us through pain and suffering and death.  Fortunately we do not have to pay this price.  God gives it to us freely and without reservations.  Again why do we have a hard time with it?  Because we think it can’t be that easy or free.  Grace cannot be worth that much since we don’t have to pay for it.  Ephesians 2:8-9 “For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, so that no one may boast.

The best thing is that not only is Grace the most precious gift we can receive it is an everlasting gift.  Nothing can take Grace away from us.  Nothing can separate us from God.  Once we have received Grace we are assured of salvation no matter what.  No one not even Satan can take it away from us.   Romans 8:38-39 “38For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, 39nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” 

Let us ban together in the Grace that is in Christ.  Let us help one another keep from being distracted or entangled in affairs of this world.  We need to keep our focus on God and allow Him to work through us so that the light of this world can shine through us.  God will always be with us.  Let all we do be to glorify Him.  Let the world see Christ in us and through us may others find the free gift of GRACE…

Friday, April 1, 2011

I Don't Want To Grow Up

I remember when Aaron was turning six or seven.  He was excited and could hardly wait for the big day.  He was excited to be a year older.  I started teasing him that instead of turning eight he was going to be six instead.  I would then count down his years till he was one.  It became a game between us for some time.

My mom use to tell me that when I was an adult I would wish I was back in school again.  To tell the truth there are times I miss being a kid but I have never wanted to go through childhood again.  As children we cannot wait to grow up and be big. 

So why is it that when it comes to spiritual growth we tend to not grow up.  We remain toddlers relying on mature Christians to survive.  1 Corinthians 14:20 tells us “Brothers and sisters, stop thinking like children. In regard to evil be infants, but in your thinking be adults.” 1 Peter 2:2 states “Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation,   We are meant to grow spiritually.  As a child grows physically we must also grow spiritually.   

A child is not strong enough to defend themselves.  They rely up on parents and other adults for protection.  As a child grows they can take care of themselves and better protect themselves.  As infant Christians we are more susceptible to Satan’s attacks.  It is through spiritual maturing that our faith grows and we are able to withstand the attacks.   It is through Christ that we can prevail in all things.  Let us all grow spiritual with Christ in our hearts…