Monday, October 31, 2011

The Law

Rules of the road affect every driver everywhere.  The laws can change from state to state.  One example is that in Illinois you do not need to wear a helmet when driving a motorcycle.  However, in Georgia you do.  If you are unfamiliar with the laws you could find yourself breaking them without even realizing it.  Every street and highway has a speed limit.  Very few people actually observe these limits.  In doing so you are breaking the law.  In some form or fashion each one of us is probably guilty of breaking some law somewhere. 
In the Old Testament we are given the Ten Commandments.  These laws were given to us as God’s standard for us to follow.  The problem is that we cannot keep all ten laws completely 100% of the time through our entire life.  Just one infraction is a sin.  One time of disrespecting our parents or one little white lie that cannot hurt anyone condemns you.  It doesn’t matter which law is broken it is still sin.  The wages of sin is death.  Just one sin in your life means death, separation from God for all eternity.  Everybody is guilty of something.  Nobody can escape this life without feeling the effects of sin.

There is only one person to ever live and be perfectly sinless.  Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.  It is through Him that we have redemption and salvation.  John 3:16-17 (NIV)

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.  For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.

Christ did not come to remove the laws.  He came to fulfill the laws so that we might have salvation through His atoning death and resurrection.  Jesus bore the sins of the world so that any who call upon Him will be saved.  Ask yourself what am I guilty of today?  Then ask for forgiveness.  Your sins shall be forgiven through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior…

Friday, October 28, 2011

Are You Focused?

I remember one of the first garden’s Nancy did after we moved into our house.  I borrowed a tiller from my mom’s uncle.  As I went up and down the rows it plowed through the dirt breaking it up.  If I didn’t keep my focus on what I was doing the tiller would wander off in one direction or the other.  I had to keep my eyes focused on what was ahead.  I had to give my full attention to the task at hand unless I wanted a broken up mess in the garden.

Jesus is telling us we must keep our focus one hundred percent on Him.  If we are not completely focused and dedicated to Him we can end up in a spiritual mess.  We become in effective in our duties to Christ.  As the saying goes, “Let the dead bury themselves…”  Let us focus on winning souls for Christ.  Let us focus on the tasks and duties that Jesus gave us to do.  We need to put one hundred percent into our faith, into our work for Christ.  The best thing of all is knowing when we mess up Jesus is there.  He is with us in all things.  He will help us in our tasks.  He will always forgive us.  Let us put our attention on Christ.   We need to put Him first in all we do.  Let us go in peace for He is with us…

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

When the Unplanned Happens...

Acts 16:9-31

A couple of years ago I was at a conference for work.  It took me away from home for a couple of nights.  My boss informed us that there was a get together in the hotel.  He was planning on going and inquired if we were.  I remember that I didn’t really feel like going.  I would have preferred to walk around outside or even retire early to my room.  Instead I went upstairs to the gathering.  I met a few people and enjoyed some small talk.  The best part was meeting someone who has become a very dear friend of mine.  Looking back I can see all the events that took place to bring us together.  Some people might say it was just coincidence.  We know better.  God brought us to that place at the same time for a purpose.

Even though it may not seem like it at the time God has a plan for you when the unexpected happens.  He might bring you to a place you hadn’t thought of going.  Events happen that you just didn’t plan on or want to be a part of.  In these moments we can get upset or discouraged or we can find God in them.  In the end you just never know whose life you might touch and change.  You never know who might come along and change your life.  Just remember God has a plan even if we can’t see it.  So when unexpected things happens look for God.  Seek Him through it and you never know what will happen…

Monday, October 24, 2011

Iron Ore or Steel

James 1:12-16

Iron must be refined before it can be used.  Steel is iron refined to its purist form.  There are several steps in the process.  Through several trips in the furnace at extreme temperatures the impurities in iron ore are eventually removed forming steel.

As Christians we are filled with impurities of sin and self along with other things from the world.  Satan does everything he can to keep us in raw form.  Much like iron ore in this form we are limited in what we can do for God.  It is through the refining process that we become strong and pure.  God doesn’t tempt us or purposely put us into temptation.  But God will bring us through the fire cleaner and more pure.  God will forge us into the Christians that we are meant to be if we allow him to purify us.

As we go through hardships and trails we can rely on God and in the end become stronger Christians in our faith.  Either that or we can grow bitter and even angry with God.  We would then become like pig iron, very hard but brittle.  Pig iron is nearly useless and has to continue through the refining process.  On the other hand if we allow God to continue to work in us He will continue the refining process until we are strong in faith.  Pig iron once it has the impurities smelted out becomes steel.

If we are not careful as steel will rust if left bare to the elements we can lose our strength.  We can become brittle once again if we do not continuously build upon our faith.  We cannot remain stagnant doing nothing.  Faith is like any other muscle, it must be used in order to grow strong.  The refining process for us is a life long journey.  We will become 100% clean and pure once we reach heaven in our new bodies in our new lives.  The choice is yours.  You can remain in a state much like the ore unrefined.  You can allow God to work in your life building you up and helping you grow.  Do you want to become like the steel or remain like the ore?

Friday, October 21, 2011

Take Up Your Cross

People are willing to die for a cause.  We will sacrifice ourselves for many things for instance our families, our country, most importantly for Christ.  It can be so easy to die for something.  I know I would lay down my life to save my family.  I would die if Jesus needed me to, if it would make a difference.  Jesus even tells us that who would lose their life for Him would find their life.

Here is a question for you.  Are you willing to live your life for Christ?  Someone once told me it is easy to die for Christ.  I was then asked me if I was willing to LIVE for Christ.  At first I thought the question odd.  But looking back I realize the importance of living for Christ.  It can be much harder to live on doing the work Christ set before us, “…and take up his cross…” Matthew 16:24 (NIV).  Taking up our cross implies hardship and tough times.  It means we will surly face suffering in our lives.  Jesus’s life ended in agony upon the cross.  What was worse than His death was the total separation from God.
In the end do we want to be completely separated from God?  What is this life compared to our life in eternity?  More importantly is somebody else’s separation from God for eternity.  We can make a difference.  If we live our lives for Christ and are willing to take up our cross for Him another life might be saved.  Isn’t that worth the short time we might endure hardship?  Jesus thought so…

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Garbage In Garbage Out

You are what you eat is a saying that has been around for years.  I remember hearing ‘If you eat too many carrots you will turn into one.’  Another one is ‘Eat too many strawberries you will turn red.’  Our bodies absorb the nutrients from the foods we eat.  The healthier we eat the more likely we will be healthy.  If we eat just junk food we will become less healthy and risk being overweight and or sick.

The same is true for our spiritual health.  If we fill ourselves with things of this world we will become of this world filled with the darkness.  If we fill ourselves with God’s love, and light, we will become one of His children.  We will be a shining light for the world to see.  If we fill ourselves with God’s word we will be more apt to live a spiritually healthy life.  As the saying goes ‘Garbage in Garbage out.’  Don’t be filled with garbage instead fill yourself with the good news of the gospel.  Fill yourself with God’s light…  Be filled with the Holy Spirit…

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

We Are A Team...

There are times when we read the Scripture and it cuts us like a knife.  Our thoughts, beliefs, and feelings are ripped open.  At that time it is clear to us that we have been wrong.  We need to change.  We need the grace of Christ in our lives.  At that moment we are faced with a crucial decision to make.  Do I continue as I did or do I change my ways?   

As I read today’s scriptures I had two thoughts come to my mind.  The first was after reading Exodus 17:8-13 and the devotional.  I was reminded that we are not meant to go through this life alone.  As Christians we are a team.  As most of us have heard over and over there is no I in team.  When we stand alone we cannot accomplish near as much as we can when we work together.  Alone we are weaker and more susceptible to attacks from the enemy.  Together we stand united and strong.  We hold each other accountable, giving strength and aid.  Moses clearly didn’t win the battle against Amalek alone.  It took a team effort.  Even standing upon the hill Moses didn’t do it alone.  Aaron and Hur were on each side of him holding him up.

Who holds you up when you need a supporting hand?  Who points out your wrong doings and holds you to the higher standard we are called to?  My second thought came when reading Ephesians 5:1-10.  I have sin in my life.  I messed up, and to make it worse I keep getting it wrong no matter how hard I try.  I want to be in the light.  I want to be that which Christ calls me to be.  However, I still find myself walking alone in the dark.  Sometimes there is a sin, or sins, in our lives that we continuously repeat over and over.  No matter how hard we try we fail to overcome.  We say prayers, earnestly wanting to change.  In the end we find ourselves repeating them, especially myself.  This is why we are not meant to go at it alone.  This is why we need each other.  Not to condemn or judge one another against our sins.  Instead we are to encourage one another and to show God’s grace and mercy.  We lend one another strength to overcome.  Don’t stand alone; remember there is no I in team.  A team is made up of several people working together.  Christians form a team.  We are a team that should be working together for the Glory of God…

Monday, October 17, 2011

Remembering God...

Whenever my wife gives me a short list of things to get at the store I count off the number of items on the list.  If there are four items to buy I will hold out four fingers to remember four items.  As I get each item I tuck my finger in.  If I forget something I simply do my count down.  In a few moments I remember what was forgotten.

God had Joshua build a memorial to remember His awesome power and deliverance.  Through the Bible there are examples of things we need to do in order to remember God.  One example we have is that we are told to post His word on our doors and posts.  Deuteronomy 11:20-21, “Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates, so that your days and the days of your children may be many in the land the LORD swore to give your ancestors, as many as the days that the heavens are above the earth.”  When we forget we need God is when we find ourselves in trouble.  That is why God instructs us to remember His words.  That is why we are given ways to help to remember Him.  Our method of remembrance is not what is important.  What is crucial is that we remember who God is and our need for Him.
Nancy has little notes of Scripture placed all over our house as little reminders.  Our seven year old daughter has her memory verse for church posted on her bedroom door.  Each time she and her sister enter the room they pause long enough to read the scripture verse.  I had to stop myself from fussing at them for taking too long to get to bed one night.  It was getting late and they were told to hurry to bed.  They both stopped at the door and began to read.  It was then that I realized this simple reminder was worth the wait.  They were learning God’s Word.  They were committing it to memory. 

Find your method for remembering God and put it to practice…

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Are You too Busy?

The ugly reality of war is death and pain.  People get hurt both physically and emotionally from the acts of war.  The closest I ever came is being in the middle of the ocean on an aircraft carrier with planes ready to launch for an attack.  You could feel the tension in the air as everyone waited for the go to launch.  After a long wait we were told to stand down.  At the time I didn’t realize how lucky we were not to launch that attack.

One simple fact of truth all of us must understand is that we are constantly at war.  We fight spiritual battles on a daily basis against an unseen enemy.  Satan’s goal is to destroy what God has created.  He will attack us at anytime in anyplace.  One of his deceptions we face is busyness.  We become too busy to spend time with God.  The funny thing is that we even convince ourselves that what we are doing is for God.  When this happens we can lose focus on our relationship with Jesus.  If left unchecked we will lose our effectiveness as well.  Jesus told Martha that Mary had her priorities set right.  He wasn’t going to tell Mary to change them.  Martha thought she was doing the right thing.  Indeed they were tasks that needed to be done.  However, in her busyness she lost sight of her true focus, what really mattered.  We need to be more like Mary but too often we follow Martha’s footsteps.

Let us all slow down and refocus on what is important, Jesus.  Let us focus on our relationship with Him and not on the overwhelming number of tasks we have set for ourselves…

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

God Has No Equal

People do not want equality.  We say we do and we appear to fight for equality.  However, there are a lot of people who want to be better than others.  In their lives they strive to be on top, the big dog.  Maybe that is why so many people have trouble accepting God.  God has no equal.  Who can compare to His majesty, power, and might.  Who else can breathe the stars into existence?  Who else with just their words create anything into being?  If they accept God for who He is then they can no longer be on top.  They are no longer the most important or significant being in their world.

This can be a tough topic for people to take in.  The comprehension can be unfathomable.  However, God will enlighten us, teach us, and enable us to understand.  Through the Holy Spirit our eyes can be opened.  We will not grasp full and complete understanding, and it certainly will not happen overnight.  However, the more we pray and seek God the more we will come to understand Him.  We need to read the Bible regularly.  We cannot just read the words and expect to know all things.  We need to really read what is being said.  We need to take the time to decipher the God’s words.  The more we strive to learn the more the Holy Spirit will enable us to understand.  The more we grow to understand the more we will want to know, once begun the cycle will feed itself.

God has no equal.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Alone in the Dark

I remember growing up being home alone in the evenings.  I would be in the den and need to go through the house to the other side.  It would be dark and no one else would be home.  As I went through the house I would turn on all the lights.  They would stay on until I went back through to the den.  I could scare myself silly all alone in the dark.

In life how many times have we felt this way?  How often have we felt all alone in the dark with no one around, scaring ourselves silly?  The good news is that we are never truly alone.  God is always with us.  Jesus told the disciples that He is sending us a helper who will be with us forever.  Once we accept Christ as our Savior we are filled with the Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit enables us, guides us, and dwells within us.  We are never separated from God.  We are no longer orphans abandoned left alone in the cold and dark.  We have a home and we have someone to light the way for us.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Someone Else

I remember a conversation I had with a friend some time ago.  He professes not to be a believer in Christ.  At one point in our emails I asked a simple question.  “What if I am right?”  In Philippians 2 we are told every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord.  At some point we will all acknowledge the sovereignty of Jesus, the fact that He is the Son of God.  If we wait till our life here is over it will be too late.  Nancy and I recently watched a movie with Joe Pesci and Brandan Fraser.  In it Joe’s character was dying from asbestos.  In one scene Joe’s character said he didn’t want to be alone while he was dying.  In the end he dies in the company of four college students who befriended him.  What was said was the absence of God.

In the movie we do not know if he was saved or not, I guess it doesn’t matter since it was just a movie.  The thing of it is though is people live and die every day without Christ in their lives.  Too many people die without ever really getting to know Jesus, until it is too late.  Christians have become afraid to evangelize, myself included.  We are too busy, or feel that we cannot make a difference.  We often think that someone else can do it.  The problem is I have never in my life ever met “someone else.”  Have you ever met them?

The truth is all you have to do is touch one life in some way, then at some point that one life could be saved.  If enough Christians touched one life we could change the world.  One becomes two, then two become four.  We cannot continue to wait for “Someone Else” to come along and do the work for us…