Thursday, September 29, 2011

Climbing Over the Wall...

A drive through a neighborhood or down a country road will reveal fences everywhere.  A few weeks back Aaron and I went on a scout trip to a Civil War battle site.  All around the place you could see walls and fences.  Let’s face it we put walls up to keep people out.  We put up barriers to block others from having access to us.  These barriers can be physical walls or spiritual walls.  One time I saw a cartoon of a kid building a brick wall all around him.  It was taller than he was.  On the other side were other kids.  Some were friends some were bullies.  The wall was built to prevent other from hurting him. 

We build walls around our hearts not allowing anyone in.  For whatever the reason we want to be kept separated from others.  We are better than they are.  They are different so we cannot let them in.  I don’t like them.  The reasons can go on and on but the fact remains we put walls up to keep ourselves separated.

Jesus tore down all walls and barriers.  Through him people are united.  Through Christ all have access to heaven.  No one is kept out.  Ephesians 2:14 “For he himself is our peace, who has made the two groups one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility,”  Jesus loves everyone equally.  Jesus will forgive us our sins no matter what they are.  He does this for any and everyone.  If Jesus can love someone and forgive them who are we to do any different?  We need to remove any barriers we have in order to reach out to the world.  We cannot walls ourselves up ignoring everything around us.  Jesus wants us to go out into all the world making disciples of all nations.  Salvation is for everyone not just a select few.  If we hide behind walls we cannot reach out and share God’s gift to the world.  I know I get comfortable and resist leaving my comfort zone.  I would rather remain safe and sound inside my own walls.  Let us help each other climb over the walls.  After all we are not strangers but brothers and sisters.  Let us go out and meet the rest of the family…

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