Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Teach Old Dogs New Tricks

Recently I heard a pastor talk about who you are is who you were before age ten.  Typically a person doesn’t change.  If you really look at who you are and what you believe in you really are that child before ten.  It is also believed that a child is pretty well set in personality, temperament, and core beliefs by age three or four.  Those first years are the most impressionable years of your life.  There is truth behind the old saying “you can’t teach an old dog new tricks.”  Well you can but it is really difficult.

Knowing it is really difficult to change doesn’t mean you cannot change.  Paul said it best when he said that he died upon the cross with Christ.  When we accept Christ as our savior we died to our old ways and life.  We become a new person in Christ.  He lives within us.  We become filled with the Holy Spirit.  It is through the Holy Spirit that we can change and leave the old ways behind.  So you could say you are not teaching an old dog new tricks but a new dog, a baby Christian…  Remember it is in those first years that are the most impressionable…

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