Monday, August 8, 2011

Come As You Are...


Who do we tend to hang out with?  It is important to keep the right company that is for sure.  When you watch a group of children it only takes one for the rest to fall out of line. To protect ourselves and to help us grow we need to be with fellow Christians.  We hold each other accountable and give each other encouragement.  However, that isn’t enough.  After all Jesus hung out with sinners and tax collectors.  Jesus spent large amounts of time with the so called wrong crowd.  He was among those who needed Him most.  He was an example for everyone to follow.  He came to redeem the lost.

As Christians it is important to make sure we surround ourselves with the right people.  However, we must also ensure we reach out to those who are lost.  What better way than to be among the lost.  Not every friend we have has to be a Christian.  Not everyone we surround ourselves with must live a life of Christ.  How can we reach out to nonbelievers if we never associate with nonbelievers?  I use to have a pastor who would say “Love the sinner but not the sin.”  In other words we must accept people for who they are despite their sins.  After all didn’t Jesus say that whoever is without sin cast the first stone?  I know I am out.  Also something to keep in mind is that Jesus loves them just as much as He loves you.  Jesus accepts them, and us, as they are.  Look back over your life.  Do you see who you were before accepting Christ?  Do you see the changes the Holy Spirit made in you over the years?  It is only natural that once saved we will over the course of time grow stronger in faith.  Over time our lives will change and we will no longer be the same sinner we once where.  No changes are required to becoming a believer.  We can go to Christ as we are.

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