Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Who is your best friend?  I can say without any doubt or hesitation that Nancy is my best friend in this world.  After that it gets hard to say.  I think we tend to call just about anyone we know our “friend” when in reality they little more than acquaintances.  I can say there are lots of people that I can call a friend.  They are someone I know and talk to relatively easily about small things.  However, there are only a few people that I would call in an emergency or someone that I consider a real close friend. 

Who would you call in the middle of the night in case of an emergency?  Who is a close enough friend that you can share anything with and know you will not be judged or ridiculed?  Who is that person you feel you can lean on no matter what?  The person that will stick with you through thick and thin is that close and personal friend.  Are you that for someone?  Are you as good of a friend to someone as Jonathan was to David?  I know I want to be.  I know I need someone to be there for me. 

Remember Jesus is there for us no matter what.  He is that friend who will stick with you through thick and thin.  He is there for each of us no matter what.  Shouldn’t we emulate His example and be there for someone else?

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