Tuesday, March 22, 2011

What Is Your Passion?


Most of us have heard the saying when it rains it pours.  Another saying is it always happens in threes.  My wife and I seem to always look for the threes.  Sure enough when one thing breaks or something happens two more seem to follow.  As we get bombarded we often ask Why God.  Why did this happen to me, or we ask Why did you let this happen.  People also tend to blame God for the bad stuff in their lives. 

God doesn't cause the bad things in our lives.  He will allow them to occur.  God will allow things to happen to either test our faith.  Sometimes He might allow them to happen to prepare us for the future.  Other times it may be that through it all God may be glorified.  1 Peter 1:6-7: "In all this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials.  These have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed."

We know God is with us when we face difficulties.  We also know we will face hardships.  So how then do we hold fast through it all?  The simple answer is that we need to dig into God's word.  Then we will be better prepared.  Digging into God's word will help us understand Him better and to better understand His will.  We can also learn from the mistakes of those that came before us.  I see only the benefits in reading the Bible, I can't think of one negative aspect.

If you are like me you might say I don't have time to read the Bible.  Something I learned long ago is that it isn't a matter of time but a matter of interest and priority.  Someone who is into motorcycles has all the time to read about them, fix them, and ride them.  A motorcycle rider will find the opportunity to ride their bike. Someone into horses will have all sorts of things related to horses.  They will talk constantly about them and make time to ride or care for their horse.

As a Christian we need to find that same passion for Christ.  All it takes is an open heart, mind, and a small start.  A while back my wife and I struggled with tithing our income.  At first it hurt and we found it difficult to give it.  As we gave God was faithful.  The more faithful we became the more he poured out on us.  Now I find I don't even think about tithing, even when it looks as if we will not have enough funds for the week.  All we have to do is start reading the Bible, even if it is just a few verses or a chapter.  Before you know it you will find a hunger or thirst to read more.  Then the more we read the better prepared we will be for the next round of problems in our lives...

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