Monday, August 23, 2010

In Our Children


I remember when my son was young, maybe three or four, he insisted everyone pray before eating.  When we had company, or even at someone else's home, He would not let anyone eat until we said grace.  Because my wife took time to teach them the importance of prayer it became a necessary part of a meal.  Because of my son I started saying grace even when I wasn't home.  

I look back on growing up and wonder what was different for me than for my brothers or sister.  We all grew up going to church and Sunday school.  All of us were taught about Christ.  For me I have always known about Christ, I assume the same for the rest of the family.  Yet somehow as adults I am the only one that appears to have a relationship with Christ.  None of my brothers are believers and do not go to church.  My sister I think at least believes but doesn't attend church regularly.  We were all given instruction in God but have chosen different paths.

My wife and I do our best to instill in our children habits of studying the bible and praying everyday.  We listen to contemporary Christian music on the radio.  We have a few praise songs for kids CDs.  Nancy and I strive to provide an environment that surrounds all of us in our Lord and Saviour.  It is important for us to teach them about God and to assist them in their walk with Christ as much as we can.  However like my brothers and sister my kids in the end have to choose for themselves their walk in life.

All we can do is prepare them as best as we can.  Our goal is to equip our children to become Godly men and women.  If we do our jobs then when our children start making their own choices they will be well equipped to make the right choice.  In the end they have to walk down their own paths just as we do.  Can others see Christ in you?  Can they see Christ in your children?  Are we truly raising our kids in the ways of the Lord?
Joshua 24:15 "...But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD."

Our Father in Heaven help us to teach the young to walk in your ways.  Give us strength to live as examples to them.  May our children see Christ in us...

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