Monday, November 28, 2011

Reflecting Christ into the World

“This little light of mine I am going to let it shine let it shine…”  A song we all sung as kids growing up.  It is so simple and yet how many times do we hide our “lights?”  In all we do we should reflect Christ.  A reflection of Christ should shine through us for the world to see.  If we do not show the world Christ how will the world find Him?

We have all sinned and fall short.  None of us are worthy.  Yet God who is a just God is also a merciful God.  Romans 6:23 (NIV) “For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.”  Let us look at a judge.  A good judge will be a just judge.  He will not condemn the innocent and yet those who are guilty will be charged as such.  God who is a just God does the same.  The problem is that we are all sinners and as such are condemned.  I have heard people say that “I am a good person and I haven’t done anything really bad so I should go to heaven.”  That is similar to a person who robs a bank or murders someone.  Later when facing a judge state I made one mistake but on the whole I am a good person.  I have done many good things in the community since my crime.  I shouldn’t be punished for that one mistake I made so many years ago.  If the judge lets them off would the judge be a good and just judge?  Most would not think so.  Now you might be saying murder is different than what I have done.  You might say I haven’t done anything that bad.  Reality check, sin is sin it doesn’t matter how big or small.  If you commit one you are guilty of them all, James 2:10 (NIV) “For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it.”  So it doesn’t matter if you commit one little sin that in our eyes doesn’t matter.  In God’s eyes it does matter and it separates us from Him.

The good news is that even though the wages of sin is death, separation from God for all eternity, we have a way to be reconciled.  God provided a way for our transgressions to be paid in full.  It is through Christ that our sins are forgiven.  It is through Him that the debt is paid.  When you stand before God will Christ stand before the God the Judge and say I paid the price for their sin.  The other option is that Christ will say I know not this person.

How many people do not see the light of the world shinning?  How many people will stand condemned with no one to intercede for them?  Christ is the light of the world.  We are the mirrors that will reflect that light into the world.  

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