Friday, November 18, 2011

Being On Their Level...

Acts 17:19-31

Have you ever watched a TV show or cartoon aimed at two and three year olds?  To teenager, and some adults, it may seem stupid or lame.  You watch and wonder how in the world can toddlers like that.  You wouldn’t show them a show about gourmet cooking or an action film or something similar.  Even having them watch a show made for a preteen wouldn’t hold their attention.  I have watched children’s leaders in church up on stage acting out parts and doing things that will interest kids.  They talk in their language so to speak.  They bring the information to their level.  After all you cannot hold an adult Bible study for a group of four year olds.  They just wouldn’t get it.  Instead you present the material in ways they understand.

The same goes for any group or person you are trying to minister to.  If you cannot communicate to them in ways they can understand you will never reach them.  I once read that it takes six to nine months to become part of a group.  After reading that article I know for myself if they were right.  I had been going to a local coffee shop.  There was a group of retired men who met for coffee every morning.  After sitting by myself or talking with the owners for a few months I was invited to join them.  After several months went by I became a part of the group.  In all it took somewhere between six and nine months to happen.  Instead of being called a ROMEO I was a ROMEOit.  ROMEO stands for Retired Old Men Eating Out.  I was a Retired Old Men Eating Out in training…  

You can’t just jump in and expect to be one of the “guys.”  It does take time.  Anything worth doing or having is worth the time it takes to invest in it.  After all look at how much time God invests in you.  The next time you want to witness and minister to someone take the time to get to know them.  Become a part of their life.  Do not compromise who you are but be accepting of who they are…

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