Monday, April 11, 2011

The Path Is Open

1 Samuel 17:32-37
1 Corinthians 15:12-19

If Christ is just another prophet or person then all we do as Christians is in vain. We are nothing more than hypocrites and liars. We have no hope and no where to go. I have a friend who doesn't believe in God. He simply believes after life there is nothing. There is no heaven or hell. We simply cease to exist. If this is the case then what is the purpose of life. Why even be here in the first place. We would then not make a difference and all is in vain.

I am so glad that Christ is alive and salvation is for certain. We have hope and a place to go after this life. One thing is certain you go somewhere after this life. Just because we die doesn't mean life ends. Life is like driving down the road. At the end of the road is a T intersection. At the intersection we go either left or right. After life we go to either Heaven or Hell. The choice is made before you reach the intersection.

Christ has risen and through Him we have salvation. Through Jesus we the path is open into heaven.

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