Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Journey


When planning for a trip there many things that must be done.  When we go on vacation Nancy creates a check list to ensure we do not forget anything.  Everyone is eager to get to our destination. Sometimes our journey is a smooth one with lots of enjoyable moments.  Nancy and I talk and enjoy each other's company.  The kids will read or play with toys in their laps.  Other times we have it rough.  The kids are bickering and traffic is bad.  By the time we get to where we are going one or both of us are pretty tense and uptight.  Our journey is not pleasant.

Our lives here on earth is a journey to another place.  The journey is what we make of it.  all of us go through good times enjoying the trip.  We also have bad times when we just cannot take it anymore.  Regardless of how we are doing in our journey we must remember our destination.  As Christians we are destined for a better place.  

When I was in the Navy I enjoyed the visits to other countries.  After leaving port and heading back to sea I would think that the United States is still the best country in the world.  Coming home was always best thing.  The cruises would be tough and we would work hard and long hours.  We had good times and bad times.  In the end though we were always glad to get home.

Remember this life is just a journey, a cruise of sorts.  In the end we will return home.  Home is still the best place to be.  We just have to keep focus on the destination.

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