Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Spiritual Nourishment

John 6:25-41

A comment I have made over and over is “Feed them and they will come…”  My reference has always been the Methodist Church.  It seems that whenever I turned around there was always something going on and it involved food.  Let me tell you the spreads were always unbelievable.  Even the hotdog only luncheons seemed to have something special about them. (OK I guess as a kid you always loved a good hotdog huh.)  I have seen churches provide meals for families going through a crises or a new birth.  I have seen pot lucks put together to kick off an event.  Food always seems to be the center of what is going on.  Hey what better way than to attract a crowd than by feeding them.

The problem is that regular food that we eat is limited and it will spoil.  We constantly have to eat, three square meals a day.  OK in my case plus snacks.  In the Bible we are told about a food supply that never ends or spoils.  With this we will never be without or go hungry.  Of course people are eager for this food, until they realize what it is.  Jesus is the bread of life.  He is our fulfillment and will never turn us away.  We will always be filled as long as we seek Him.  Jesus is our spiritual nourishment that will never expire, go bad, or be depleted.  Unfortunately people just refuse to see it and cannot accept it.  Let us hand out the bread of life.  Let others see how satisfying it can really be.  Let us show the world that Jesus really is all that we need…

Merry Christmas

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