Wednesday, April 24, 2019

What is Precious?

1 Peter 1:18-19 (NIV)

For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you from your ancestors, but with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect.


What is the most precious thing you have, or can think of?  Some might say their house or car.  Some people might say gold or silver.  Others might elude to millions, or even billions in the bank.  Some of the wiser people would say family.  For example, my wife and kids would be at the top of the list for me.  What would be at the top of your list?

Whatever it is no matter how precious we feel it is, it is nothing compared to being redeemed.  Nothing comes even close to what Christ has done for us.  So often we think of being a Christian as being religious.  We think it is all about religion.  Maybe I am wrong but I disagree with that way of thinking.  Christ is not about religion.  Jesus was a radical in his day.  He even called the pharisees a brood of vipers.  Jesus was all about relationships. 

It is true you do not have to go to church or belong to a small group in order to have a real and close relationship with Jesus.  However, it is very important.  You might even say critical to be a part of a group of fellow believers.  Can a single person build a house all by himself?  The answer to that is yes.  It would be difficult but not impossible.  If you have a crew to work on a new house it would be built much faster and better.  If you ever look at a job site you never see just one person doing all the work.  You have a crew that builds the foundation.  There are carpenters that frame the house.  Others enclose it, and a different crew put the roof on.  Someone else does the electrical.  Another team does the plumbing.  Many crews of people later you will have a complete house.

Many years ago, my mom and dad built a house.  It took them a long time to finish it, more than a year.  My parents built the house by themselves.  There were a few people here and there that lent a hand.  But most of the work was just them.  The house turned out great.  It is a solid and beautiful house.  Years ago, when I was a kid a house on the corner was torn down and a new one built.  From when the house came down to when people were moving in was about ninety days.  What’s the difference?  A crew built this house.

The church is the crew we belong to.  It isn’t a religious establishment, or at least shouldn’t be.  The Body of Christ is about fellow believers living life together.  It is about us sharing in the most precious gift we can ever receive with others.  One of the best things I love about our church is the main goal of everything we do is to “Be and build disciples.”  That’s it.  How we accomplish that is by being a bunch of people living life together.  We sometimes work together, we share the gospel together, we study God’s word together.  In short, we live life together.

What is important to you?  What is the most precious thing you have?  Mine is my relationship with Jesus.

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