Thursday, March 22, 2018

As The Moon Shines

John 12:4-46 (ESV)

And Jesus cried out and said, “Whoever believes in me, believes not in me but in him who sent me. And whoever sees me sees him who sent me. I have come into the world as light, so that whoever believes in me may not remain in darkness.


How many nights have you looked up at the night sky and seen the moon?  When the moon is full and shining brightly, it lights up the night so that we can see in the darkness.  How about those nights when there is no moon.  The night is even darker, making it almost impossible to see.  During the day, the sun shines brightly lighting everything up.  We can see clearly for a great distance, OK on a clear day we can.

Christ is the light of the world.  He shines brightly for any, and all to see.  As the sun pushes back darkness so does Christ.  Just as the moon reflects the suns light, we too reflect Christ to the world.  Where are you in your walk with Christ?  Are you like a waning or waxing moon?  Are you a sliver of light that barely reflects any light?  Are you like the full moon shining brightly in the night sky for all to see?

Take some time to reflect your walk with Christ.  Where are you?  How strong is your relationship?  Our goal should be to shine like a full moon.  We can then reflect the most of Christ to those around us.  Then we shine the brightest making it is easier for those in darkness to see. Maybe they too will come to know Him and starting reflecting His light.

The moon has no light of its own.  It can only reflect what light is shining upon it.  We are in total darkness without Christ.  Without Him, we are lost.  It is only through Jesus that we have any light what so ever.  It is through and by Jesus that we are made righteous and can have salvation.  The moon cannot create or make its own light.  We cannot do anything to make or earn salvation.  The moon is completely dependent on the sun for its light.  We are completely dependent on Christ.

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