Wednesday, February 15, 2017

To Be Filled

Psalm 42:1-2 (ESV)
As a deer pants for flowing streams,
so pants my soul for you, O God.
My soul thirsts for God,
for the living God.
When shall I come and appear before God?
This morning I woke up to hear thunder rumbling in the background.  I could hear the rain falling.  Sometimes it was heavy and loud.  Other times it was soft and faint to hear.  The rain is necessary for life.  Not only does it give life it cleans the air and ground.  Rain washes away the pollution leaving the air to smell fresh.  I love the way it smells on a spring day just after a storm. 
This brings to mind the Holy Spirit.  Jesus came and washed away our sins, just as the rain cleans the air.  The Holy Spirit can wash upon us giving us life.  The Holy Spirit can wash upon us and fill us.  We can be of renewed spirit, full of life.  Each of us has the Holy Spirit within us.  But are you overflowing? 
I don’t want to have just enough Holy Spirit in me to live or get by.  I want to be over flowing with so much of God’s spirit that I am overflowing.  As a cup overflows, it can spill out and fill other cups or bowls.  Can you imagine if each of us is overflowing with the Holy Spirit?  Think of all the lives that can be effected.  Think of all those people that can then be filled with the Holy Spirit as well.  Is your cup half full?  Are you three quarters full?  Maybe you are just brimming to the top but not allowing any to spill out.

Look at a cup of coffee.  You can fill the cup with hot coffee.  After a while the coffee will get cold.  You cannot refresh the cup if it is never emptied.  But if you drink some of the coffee or share it with another person you can then refill it with fresh hot coffee.  We all know the Holy spirit doesn’t get stale or cold, but we can.  Allow yourself to be filled to over flowing.  Allow yourself to be refreshed.  Don’t settle for half a cup.  Be overflowing so that you might share with others.

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