Tuesday, April 16, 2019

The Debt of Love...

Scripture: Romans 13:8 (NIV)

Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for whoever loves others has fulfilled the law.


Debt seems to be an increasing problem within our society.  Everyone knows it is better not to owe anyone anything.  Yet we rack up credit card debt, we purchase cars on loan, we purchase houses borrowing money for as much as thirty years.  I once read that in Japan you could get as much as a ninety-year loan.   There are other ways we can owe someone.  Have you ever done something for someone and when they thank you they tell you they owe you one?  Has anyone ever come to you with the comment “you owe me?”

Romans 13:8 simply states do net let there be any outstanding debts.  The only thing we should be indebted to is love.  We are to always love.  In fact, if you love others as Jesus loves us we would be fulfilling the law.  I bet you never thought you could fulfill the law.  OK, the truth is neither of us can, even loving others as Jesus does.  Why because it is impossible for us to do so.  However, and that is a huge however as in font 72 in bold, we can fulfill the law through loving others because of the helper Jesus sent to us.  That’s right, through the Holy Spirit we can love others as Jesus loves.  No, it isn’t easy.  No, we do not succeed all the time.  But, our goal should be to completely fulfill the law through love. 

If you are like me you are probably wonder how in the world can I do this.  It is hard especially when the other person is not a very nice person.  There are people who we just have a hard time liking.  We tend to feel hatred toward them.  So how can we show them love?  First take a moment and tell yourself God loves that person just as much as He loves you.  Second focus on Christ.  Think about Jesus, maybe sing your favorite hymn or Christian song.  Read or recount scripture verses.  Finally, something my mom always taught us, and it’s in the Bible, treat others as you would have them treat you. Yep that’s right.  You need to start treating that person in such a way that you want other people to treat you, or even that person.  It doesn’t matter what they say or do.  What matters is what you say and do.  Fall back on the strength of the Holy Spirit.  When we fail we need to pick ourselves backup and try again.  We will never get it one hundred percent right one hundred percent of the time.  We just strive to be…

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