Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Am I A Servant?


Mark 10:45 (ESV)

For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.


When you say the word servant what comes to mind?  The first few things that come to my mind are:

·        Butler
·        Maid
·        Waitress
·        Janitor
·        Fire Fighter
·        Police Officer
·        Teacher

Granted we tend not to think about fire fighters and police officers as serving.  But the police are there to “protect and serve.”  Firefighters save lives.  But the best example of a servant is Jesus.  What an awesome example to live up to.  Jesus stated that He came not to be served, but to serve others. 

What are some examples of serving others?  How can we have a servant’s heart?  Take a few moments to think about ways you can serve.  Maybe we can hold the door open for someone.  Maybe we can help someone carry out groceries and load them in their car.  Maybe it is to cut their grass or vacuum their house.  It could be as simple as providing a meal.  Do they need help running errands?  A simple lift to get somewhere may be all that is needed.  As you go through the day think about how you can serve someone.

How can we have a change of heart toward serving others?  A good place to start is remembering Jesus.  Put other people first.  Think of what they like, want, or even need.  If you think of others first, placing them before you, it will be easier to find ways to serve them.  Putting others first is a great way to improve your relationship and for it to grow.  They will increasingly become more important to you, and it will be easier to serve.  Serving isn’t just cleaning toilets or scrubbing floors.  Serving is more than being a maid or janitor.  Serving can be a way of life.  It is little things.  A good place to start is by actively changing your attitude, and your heart.  It may not be easy, but I bet it is easier than you think.  Go out and lend a hand, open a door, pick up something that has been dropped.  What are some things you can think of?  Remember think out of the box.  Remember Jesus came to serve…

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